September 2011
Celebrate World Teachers' Day! Sep 30, 2011
Are there meaningful teachers in your child's life? Since 1994, World Teachers' Day has been celebrated on October 5th. Organized by UNESCO and Education International, the day is about celebrating teachers, raising awareness and promoting...
Lady Gaga Defends Teen Bullying Victims Sep 29, 2011
Lady Gaga has long been an advocate for bullying victims. Following the possibly bullying-related suicide of one of her ardent fans, she's taken her anti-bullying campaign to new levels. Using her popularity and influence, she hopes to make a...
When Will School Budget Cuts Reach Critical Mass? Sep 28, 2011
The political battles over balancing local, state and federal budgets are taking their toll on the nation's schools. While financial cuts are expected in times of hardship, many schools are being pushed into decisions that frustrate teachers,...
Kids Are Never Too Young to Be Scientists Sep 27, 2011
It's never too early to get your kids hooked on science. As the Kids' Science Challenge demonstrates, great scientific ideas come not only from experienced scientists, but also from young children. This national competition might spark your...
Should Your Child Go to Charter School? Sep 26, 2011
Charter schools have a mystique that appeals to many parents. They often promise to be managed better, offer stronger learning opportunities and be staffed with superior teachers when compared with traditional public schools. Yet the sheen that...
Is Your Child Affected By the Education Gap? Sep 23, 2011
After years of progress, the education gap has stopped closing. Over the past twenty years, the disparity in performance between different groups of students has either remained constant or worsened. In order to reverse this trend, it's useful to...
Beat Sibling Rivalry with a Lollipop and a Read-Aloud Sep 22, 2011
Having siblings isn't always easy. But as your children can discover in Rukhsana Khan's 'Big Red Lollipop,' it's possible for siblings to find peace. The award-winning picture book may inspire your children to see each other more as friends than...
How Being a Middle Child Can Help Your Child Succeed in School Sep 21, 2011
What do George Washington, John F. Kennedy, Bill Gates, Donald Trump, David Letterman and Jay Leno have in common? They were all middle children, raised with the perceived middle child stigma. Yet just as they all went on to their own forms of...
5 Tips to Get Boys to Read Sep 20, 2011
Reading rates have been declining for several decades, but the problem is most pronounced among boys. According to the U.S. Department of Education, reading has steadily declined among both boys and girls, but boys have stopped reading at a...
Fresh Food for Kids? Why Not! Sep 19, 2011
School cafeterias have come to be known for chicken nuggets and other foods that arrive pre-made, frozen and with a long list of unpronounceable ingredients. But as child obesity rates reach alarming levels, the idea of providing fresh, healthy...
Banning Movies at School Hurts Your Child Sep 16, 2011
A recent article in 'USA Today' described the struggles of school districts around the nation as they attempt to define whether or not to show certain movies to students. Unfortunately, the controversy is too often tied to a handful of complaints...
How Your Child's School Lunch Can Save the World Sep 15, 2011
Before you call it a day on back to school shopping, think about how you're sending your child's lunch to school. 'The New York Times' recently reported on the push among many schools to make lunches waste-free. Whether or not this is the trend...
Crowded Classes Hurt Your Child Sep 14, 2011
Crowded classes pose a looming threat to the education system in the United States. As districts look to save money, they're increasingly turning to larger class sizes as the answer. Yet the impact this has on children should be a cause for concern.
Are Some Students Born to Excel at Math? Sep 13, 2011
Do some children have a genetic predisposition to be strong math students? A study that was recently published by the journal 'Developmental Science' suggests that they do. The researchers found that certain math skills may be exhibited even in...
Trains Can Help Autistic Children Socialize Sep 12, 2011
Children with autism typically struggle with social interactions and communication skills. These children also show an unusually strong affinity for trains and buses. Lately, the New York Transit Museum has taken notice. They now provide a...
At This Summer Camp, Students Eat and Sleep Math Sep 09, 2011
The Summer Program in Mathematical Problem Solving (SPMPS), which was recently profiled by 'The New York Times', is as academically-oriented as its name suggests. This isn't a camp for kids who want to play kickball or make lanyards, nor is it...
8-Year-Old Takes On NY Times Music Critic Sep 08, 2011
The chief music critic for the 'New York Times' recently spent two weeks writing articles and blog posts, as well as posting videos, that centered on his quest to determine the ten greatest composers of all time. The series provoked a strong...
Does 'Let's Move' Unfairly Target Overweight Children? Sep 07, 2011
First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move campaign aims to help a seemingly worthy cause, rampant childhood obesity. Her goal is to involve families, schools, elected officials and more in the effort to improve nutrition, increase exercise and...
Beyonce Joins the Let's Move Initiative Sep 06, 2011
The Let's Move campaign, First Lady Michelle Obama's effort to fight childhood obesity, has been gaining momentum since its launch in 2010. Earlier this year, the campaign got a boost from Beyonce, one of the nation's most popular singers and an...
10 Questions to Ask a New Tutor Sep 02, 2011
Hiring a new tutor for your child can be complicated and challenging. It's important to find a qualified tutor who is a good fit in terms of teaching style and personal connection. There are so many issues to consider that it can be easy to...
Does My Child Need a Tutor? Sep 01, 2011
There are many reasons you may seek out a tutor for your child. A tutor can provide a powerful supplement to your child's education, whether or not your child is struggling. This article explores three of the most common times when you may need a...