Free Math and Reading Games
The Typing of the Ghosts
This game dares you to type the words written on the ghosts as fast as you can. -
A non-violent version of the traditional Hangman, this game still allows you to guess the hidden word, one letter a time. -
Typing Monster
Defeat the monster by typing the correct words as fast as possible!
Choose the right numbers from the grid to get the highest score in this fun math game. -
Greater Than Sudoku
Use the mathematical hints provided to solve this variation on the popular number puzzle. -
Cat Dog Cat Dog Cat
Move the cats and dogs into the right pattern as fast as you can for the high score.
Top Math and Reading Help Headlines
Tips for First-Time Art Museum Visitors (and their Parents)
Art museums, with their valuable paintings and quiet rooms, can seem like daunting places for a family field trip. Yet both young and old children can greatly benefit from visiting a local museum. With effective planning, you can make a field trip to your local museum an enlightening and exciting adventure that introduces your child to a lifelong appreciation of art.
Wash away your moving blues
Are you bummed out because you have to move and you're worried about changing schools? Read on to learn how you can wash away your moving blues!
When Should Parents Opt Out of Their Child's Curriculum?
Once upon a time, schoolchildren went to class no matter what was being taught. Nowadays, however, parents in many states have the right to take their children out of classes that address what they might feel are 'objectionable' topics. So when is it okay to opt out of a child's curriculum?
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